By Caitlin Carlson

There are some Saturdays during marathon training that I feel like hitting snooze, crawling further under the covers – and blowing off my long run. What gets me out of bed is the fact that my long-time running buddy, Susan, will be waiting for me in Columbus Circle just outside of Central Park – and I can’t leave her hanging.

Though I know it through first-hand experience, studies support the idea that social support can help you stick to your workout routine – and also improve your mood to boot. That’s certainly true for Susan and I. We end up running at a conversational pace and catching up on everything from work to Bumble dates to, well, working out!

There’s also something awesome that happens when you exercise with a friend – those endorphins and the shared experience of working through something together can help you feel closer and bond faster.

Get Motivated with a Workout Partner

Sometimes, though, we don’t talk at all – and instead sit side-by-side in blissed-out silence in a yoga class. But that feeling of camaraderie is still there. Whether you’re a runner, yogi, or like to hit the weights: “There are many ways to make training more fun and part of your social routine without wasting your time,” says Kerry Greer, an expert with EXOS.

Here’s how to make partner workouts WORK.

Hold Each Other To It

First, share your goals before you schedule your first gym date, suggests Greer. Whether it’s weight loss, a faster 10K time, or building strength or flexibility, tell your gym buddy about it and ask them to hold you accountable. This year, Susan’s focus was on scoring a 5K PR while I was shooting for a marathon PR (Read about that here!). While we had very different goals, we were still able to work out together and push each other towards collective success. Read More

Stay in Shape with a Holiday 5K

Turkey Trots, Jingle Bell Jogs, Reindeer Runs – this time of year there’s no shortage of festive 5K runs everywhere in the country. They’re fun, inexpensive, and a great way to get in some exercise during a time when many people let their workout routines fall by the wayside. In fact, we’ve narrowed it down to the top three reasons you should sign up for one right now. Depending on the reason you relate to most, your training and approach to the race will differ. With the help of EXOS’ Kerry Greer, we outlined exactly how to tailor your training so you can have a successful race day whether your goal is fun, bonding, fitness, or a new 5K PR.

REASON ONE: You want to have fun and bond with family and friends.

Stay in Shape with a Holiday 5K

“There is nothing wrong with walking the race if that is where you are at – It’s just great to be with the family and friends doing something active and being thankful,” says Greer. If you all live close to each other, you can also train together. “Those that will run the race could schedule to run together or at least run on the same days if you are in the same place,” says Greer. “If some of the family will be walking that is definitely ok and as a family you can encourage them to get out and go for longer walks with more hills – this doesn’t have to be serious training more of helping each other on the journey.”

If you want to ensure you can run the whole thing but you’re not worried about a goal time, do a trial run two to three weeks before the race. Either go run the race route or run 3.1 miles somewhere else.

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OCTOBER 20, 2016

Feeling over-stressed can wreak havoc on your mental and physical health. Identify your stressors and try techniques to beat stress and feel better and more balanced.

It’s an unfortunate truth that on any given day, there are countless opportunities to go from a happy, carefree person to a frazzled, stressed-out one. Maybe you got a flat tire on your way to an important client meeting. Or you saw your most recent credit card bill. Or you realized your dog forgot that the house isn’t his personal porta potty.

Stressors are lurking all around you, waiting to pop up at any moment. And while some stress is a natural, healthy part of life, too much of it can lead to exhaustion and health issues. That’s key if you’re one of the 25 percent of people who report feeling high levels of stress. It’s also important to understand the different ways your body can feel stressed. There’s mental stress – in fact, a third of stress tends to happen because of work issues – but your body also feels physical stress when you’ve pushed yourself hard at the gym or had one too many nights of horrible sleep (sound familiar?). And all that stress can do a number on your health – mental as well as physical – which is why it’s so important to do what you can to minimize over-stressing Read More


OCTOBER 17, 2016

Everything you need to know to get your exercise regimen back on track this fall – from what workouts you need to include each week and beyond.

Fall is the perfect season to get back into routines that fell by the wayside in the summer months. Whether it’s restarting your monthly book club meetings, getting back on track with daily meditation, or cooking your meals (or at least some of them) at home – now is the time to commit before the nuttiness of the holiday season threatens to derail us once again.

One particularly important routine to get back on track – or start for the first time – is your workout routine. As winter inevitably nears, it’s easier to skip workouts or fall off the fitness wagon altogether, but having a plan in place will help you stay the course. “Setting aside time to write out a balanced program will help you better accomplish short term goals, whether it’s losing weight, or being prepared for a race or upcoming vacation,” says Eric Dannenberg, a Performance Specialist at EXOS. “But more importantly, it ensures you will have the long term health to work out for many years to come by training smarter and not just harder,” he adds. So, how do you structure a balanced gym routine over a week and even months to ensure success? Here’s everything you need to know. Read More